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Is Adoption Right For Me?
Who I am (2:08)
Who this course is for (1:27)
What this course is about (1:47)
Necessary Emotional Healing Before Adoption
What you need healing from (2:48)
Why you need healing (1:47)
Who can help (0:26)
Are You Adopting For The Right Reasons?
What adoption is not (4:22)
What adoption is (1:51)
Choose wisely (2:07)
The Challenges of Adoption (That No One Else Will Tell You)
Be prepared for trauma (2:53)
Biological family issues (7:34)
Race and culture (7:18)
What You Get to Look Forward To
God adopted us (1:56)
Adoption can save lives (3:55)
We are all connected (1:37)
So You Think You're Ready?
Your next steps (2:36)
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